Isaiah 25:8
8He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the LORD has spoken.
Death is the final outcome of sin. Jesus swallowed up death forever when He took the sins of the world upon Himself at Calvary. Why do we die then? Though He died for our future sins as well as our past, we are still experiencing sin and its wages (Romans 6:23). When His work in us is complete and the curse of sin is lifted from the earth, there will be no more death. No longer will we say good-bye to those we love. Decay will be a part of the previous age.
The imagery of the LORD wiping away the tears from all faces is such a comforting thought. One of the last coherent conversations I had with my mother before her death was about this very thing. The misunderstandings, unforgiveness, and alienation will be over forever. Her response was, "I want to go now." It was only a few days later she experienced the touch of His hand wiping the pain-filled tears away forever.
The LORD'S people have always been a reproach to the world. We just don't fit in. Our right-side-up lives challenge an upside-down world, which results in persecution, insults, slander, and sometimes even death. But when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our LORD and His Christ (Revelation 11:15), the reproach will be no more. In place of reproach will be glory and honor.
Consider what a wonderful future God has planned for us.