Psalms 34:18-19
18The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. 19Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
The way some present the gospel, you'd think Christians never have problems. Obviously our verses today tell us that just isn't so. It may be a bed of roses, but roses have thorns. Every human life has struggles. If fame and wealth were the answer, we wouldn't see so many famous people die from overdosing on drugs or suicide. No one is exempt from turmoil of the soul.
The great difference between the believer and others is that the LORD's presence is there with us when we are brokenhearted or crushed in spirit. No one knows the pain you have experienced like the LORD does. They may have their own pain, but it is unique because each of us is unique. Certainly we can sympathize if we have endured a similar loss or struggle, but only the LORD really feels your heart.
The Hebrew word for "save" means "to be open, wide, or free." Our burdens can seem to close us in and take us captive. God promises He will set us free. Life will open up and all its wonderful possibilities will be there again. Though our afflictions are many, He promises to deliver us (snatch away or pluck out) from them all. Even death will not defeat us. Our Deliverer is our rescuer from all that we face in this fallen world. He does not keep us from the afflictions, for they are instruments to grow and strengthen us. God will deliver us from them all.
Remember: I'd encourage you to note this verse in the front of your Bible or of this book. When the next trial comes, it will be there for you to cling to.