1 Kings 21:25
25There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited.
The kings of the northern tribes all followed in the idolatrous ways of Jeroboam. Even when prophets would foretell of the demise of their household because of their idolatry, they would continue. Meanwhile in Judah, the great-great-grandson of David, King Asa, restored the faith of his father David. During his long reign, king after king of the north was killed by usurpers. Ahab was one of the worst, but God chose to turn hearts of Judah back to Him during Ahab's reign.
God even gave Ahab several great victories in battle against much greater odds. But Ahab's Sidonian wife, Jezebel, incited him to do what was evil. He had witnessed Elijah call down fire from God. He had seen Elijah's prophesies come to pass. But he allowed his evil wife to be a greater influence than God.
When Elijah predicted the judgment of God upon Ahab, Jezebel, and their entire family, Ahab did something none of the kings of north had done under the same circumstances; He repented in sackcloth and with fasting. There was a believing heart in this most evil of kings. He had allowed bad influences to keep him from doing what his heart knew was right.
Consider: What are you allowing to be the greatest influence in your life?