John 3:34-36
34For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. 35The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. 36Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him."
Here is a three-verse summary of the entire Bible. Jesus spoke the words of God. Of course, the prophets did also, but every word that flowed from His lips was directly from God. The Spirit was given to Him without any limitation, because He placed no limitations on the Spirit. We wonder why we do not have more anointing. It is because we limit the Spirit in some area of our life. We have reservations in some unsurrendered corner that we reserve for self. Jesus had no such reservations in His heart and mind. He humbled Himself and became obedient to the Father. It is pride in our life that keeps desires and thoughts from obedience to God. We make excuses like, "I will not forgive that person", or "I cannot do such a menial task" or "I have served enough for today". The resistance to the Spirit limits His influence on our lives.
Everything has been placed in the hands of Jesus. He can do what He wills with all creation. When you know and love Him, that truth is a wonderful realization. When you resist and despise His Lordship, that truth is a frightening declaration.
If you presently and actively place your trust in Jesus, you possess eternal life. He is Life. He is eternal. When you commit yourself to Him, He lives in you as your eternal life. You begin to see life as it truly is with the meaning and beauty it was given. The whole earth is full of His glory. But if you reject the Son of God, if you refuse the gift of life, and cling to your right to rule your life for your personal pleasure, another attribute of God will be evident in your time on earth and afterlife, wrath! God's wrath is the righteous response to the rejection of all that is good. It is justice toward those insistent upon joining that way that destroys both one's own self and those with whom they interact. That wrath lives with you both through this life and forever. Choose Jesus! He is abundant life. He is goodness.
Consider: Surrender every corner of your heart and mind to Him and the Spirit of God will permeate your life.