Luke 5:16
16But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
12One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles:
Jesus lived in communion with His Father. It was more than just a time of recharging or even of getting instructions; it is a relationship of pure love (agape). The love of a husband and wife is a picture of such love, for Jesus said, "As the Father has loved me so have I loved you." The Apostle Paul said that marriage was mystery about Christ and the church. The love of the Father for the Son is like that of Jesus love for the church, which is pictured in a marriage relationship. A husband who loves his wife cannot easily be away from her for extended periods of time. He will phone her to hear her voice and know how she is doing, sharing the details of their lives. So it is with the Father and Jesus. Jesus had to meet with Him and share Himself and listen to the Father's voice.
When it came time for Jesus to pick His official representatives (that is what the word 'apostle' means), He spent all night in that sweet communion. This was one of the most important decisions of His ministry, for these men would pass on the message when He was gone. Their job was to convey to the world the life and words of Jesus, especially His victory over death. Important decisions need the counsel of the Almighty. Jesus' example shows us how to deal with our difficult decisions. No one can stay up every night and pray, but when we are at a crossroad in life, we would be wise to follow Jesus' perfect example. Don't let the need for directions cause you to miss the main purpose of prayer. It is in the sharing of your life with your Father. The goal is to hear His heart, not receive a "to do" list. Then you will know what to do.
Consider: How is Jesus' example of prayer different from your experience? Old habits die hard. How can you allow your prayer life to be transformed from duty into intimacy?