
Matthew 9:36-38

36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

When you look at a crowd, what do you see? Jesus' heart breaks for them, because they are so helpless. That image of sheep without a shepherd is full of implications. They don't know where to go for food or water. There is no one to tend to wounds. The wolves come in whenever they please and devour as many as they like. We are harassed by our flesh from within, and the carnality of others from without. Then there is the Devourer. He is ready to give us whatever we lust after that will destroy us. Harassed and helpless!

Jesus used the analogy of a harvest loaded and ripe. If no one gets out there and picks it, the harvest is wasted. I have seen it happen when there is a bumper crop. The fruit is just waiting to be picked. But when you can't find enough help, and in our world today it is hard to find laborers that will work at a wage that makes it profitable, the fruit starts to drop to the ground. Those that will work give it their all every day and go home exhausted. The autumn winds come and shake the fruit off the tree. Finally the freeze comes and destroys what is left.

If you are willing to share the heart of Jesus, what should you do? Our first thought is practical. Run out and join the laborers. But that is not what Jesus asked us to do. He requested that we ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into His harvest field. You have to know how to pick without damaging and wasting the fruit. Running out and trying to help is not the solution. Prayer is the answer! God is training the harvesters. Pray that He will send them. God wants you to participate through prayer, by praying His will into the earth and going when He sends you.

Consider: Next time you see a crowd, what will you do?