
Matthew 6:19-21

19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

It's not about now! The Man from heaven must have been amazed to see how earthly minded we are. The Sermon on the Mount addresses those things people conclude life to be about. It reminds me of the old board game, Life.You amass fame, love, and wealth. The person with the highest total of these three wins the game. If you are low on love, just get more wealth. Jesus is trying to tell us that the real experience of life is about something else. Here on this earth, treasure comes and goes. If you are the wealthiest of men you may find yourself penniless by a governmental change. A turn in the financial markets may obliterate your fortune. Wealth here is certainly transitory at best. A hearse is never followed by a moving van. The Pharaohs tried that, and today their treasure sits in museums, a testimony to their folly.

What a mistake only to live for now! Life is not about momentary pleasure, but about bringing glory to God. Focusing on fame and fortune means your heart is set on the wrong world. It means your faith is all but nonexistent and your vision is set on the passing things of this world. Where is your heart set? What are you living for? What do you spend your time doing?

Jesus does not speak to condemn us, but to awaken us to our true condition. When we see our faith is so limited that we are living for this world, it is a call to turn our focus to the eternal. A new heart comes with new desire. At the same time, it is also true that a Spirit enlightened mind can direct our actions to change and thereby surrender the stubborn areas of our heart.

Consider: What would your best friend say you live for?