
Hebrews 6:19

19We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.

Our verse today is referring to a messianic psalm, Psalm 110. In that psalm, God made a promise that the Messiah will be a priest forever. He backed it with an oath that He would never change His mind. The author of Hebrews was telling us that we can count on Jesus' intercession with the Father on our behalf. Jesus is presently in the Holy of Holies in heaven with the receipt for our redemption, which is His scars.

God cannot lie. His promise confirmed by His oath is the sure and steadfast anchor for our souls. Just as an anchor holds a ship from drifting into the rocks on the shore, so Jesus' presence before God holds us in right standing in God's eyes. We may be tested and fail. We may stumble in our spiritual journey, but we can know Jesus is interceding for us. He is our anchor fixed in the Holy of Holies.

Because of this assurance, we don't wallow in guilt or condemnation. Instead, we learn from our failures and depend on Jesus even more. His grace and love invite our hearts to love Him more and more. Our gratitude continually grows. He increasingly becomes our all in all.

Consider: Take a moment to think about this great promise. Jesus is interceding for you now and forever!