
1 Samuel 10:6-7

6The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. 7Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.

Knowing Saul's end, we tend to overlook his beginning. He was a humble man even though he was large in stature. Samuel told him of all the signs that would come to pass that day to confirm that it was the LORD who had chosen him to be king. When Saul met the prophets with their musical instruments, prophesying, the Spirit of God came upon him in power and he prophesied. Samuel said that at this point he would be changed into a different person. Verse nine says that God changed Saul's heart.

Once our heart has been changed, we have godly desires. We are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Some people search for some special leading when God is leading them continually. It is true that we must still discern what is of the Spirit and what is of the old nature, but that is usually quite evident. If we get off track, we receive that check in our spirit that warns us something is amiss. So we proceed with each day in faith believing God is leading us by His Spirit.

Now that we see that Saul's beginning is so much like our own, we also have a warning. In the devotions to come, we will see a turning aside from the known will of God. We will see the increase of pride. Finally, we will see his sad end. Nevertheless, throughout this time, he was God's anointed. It is a warning for us to heed the checks from the Spirit and remain in obedience.

Consider: A great beginning does not insure a great end. Persevere!