1 Corinthians 2:9
9But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him"-
It seems we most often use this verse to refer to the wonderful things we will experience in heaven. However, in this passage Paul is referring to the mystery of Jesus coming into the world to save sinners. He goes on to say that God has by His Spirit revealed to us what God prepared for us who love Him.
When Christ came into the world, only a few wise men knew of His coming. Even they did not know He was God incarnate. The disciples who were with Him every day and saw His authority over created things needed a revelation from God to understand the mystery of the Word made flesh (Matthew 16:17). Why would we think that we could understand the times in which we live and God's purposes for our lives without the Spirit of God's revelation to us? How can we understand the Scriptures merely by attending man's educational facilities? We need the Spirit of God to reveal to us the things He has prepared for those who love Him.
As you read this devotional, you need the Spirit of God to make the applications to your life that are specifically for you. The author may not always be inspired, but the Word is. Always ask the Lord what He is speaking through His Word to your heart. Your natural mind is a tool, but only when you yield it to the Spirit will you have the mind of Christ. The applications He speaks to your heart are specifically for you.
Prayer: Lord, as I daily take time to consider what You are speaking to me, help me to be still and let You reveal Your Word to my heart.