Joshua 3:5
5Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."
Moses died. Now the Children of Israel stood where they stood 38 years earlier. The generation that refused to go in is now dead, except for Joshua and Caleb. Joshua tells them to get ready to see God at work.
Sanctify, dedicate yourselves wholly. If we are about to see God at work we had better be right with Him. The people had heard of how God had met with them in power and might on the mountain. They could not stand to hear the voice of God and asked Moses to talk with God for them. They had a healthy fear of God. If God is going to work among us, all compromise must end. We need to make sure there is no thing that will cause us to be judged as unfit. Then God is free to do what He desires in us. We can only see the hand of God work in all its glory when we consecrate ourselves without reservation to Him. Then you will see amazing things.
Do you expect God to work in the place where you fellowship? Do you expect this Sunday to see God do amazing things among you? Then get prepared by consecrating your life, by seeing that there is nothing between you and God. When a congregation does this in unity, prepare to see God move. He comes when He is invited by sincere consecrated hearts. Yes, He is always here, but if you want to see amazing things, like changed lives, consecrate yourselves.
Prayer: Lord, I give my body, soul, and spirit to You. Use me as You will.