
Deuteronomy 32:3-4

3I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! 4He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

The name of the LORD is the sum of His attributes. Notice that when Moses says He will proclaim the name of the LORD, he proclaims the character of God. Whenever we read of "the name of the LORD" we should see this implied. He is great! His greatness should be praised. Because He is all-powerful, He never lacks the ability to carry out His decrees. The goodness He has planned will be brought to pass for He has the power to make it happen.

He is a rock. Theologians call this immutability. The world is ever changing. Our great hope is that we will change, but with God there has never been and never will be a change. He is always the same perfect God He has been and will be. Because He is outside of time and the Creator of time, time never affects Him for He is the Ancient of Days. You can count on Him to always be the same loving God that keeps His promises.

His works are perfect. A perfect God acts perfectly. He makes no mistakes. Despite our limited perception of things, one day you will see that all His actions are perfect.

All His ways are just. He is a holy God. It is impossible for Him to be unjust. His justice is beyond question for He is the very standard for justice.

He is faithful. He will keep His promises. He promised to complete the work He started in you. Because He has always been faithful and can never change, you will that see He'll be faithful to transform you into His likeness.

Meditate on these attributes of God.